Psychology & Spirituality

A Personal Growth Program



From the worst of times, to the best of times, we will stand by you.
Your job is to simply “want to change enough to just be there”.
We are the professionals and will do the rest for you.


“SELF DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR” is repeatedly doing something that you know hurts you. Got that? You know what you’re doing hurts you. Why would you continue to do that? Your sense of self worth comes from your Spirit. Physical or Emotional Pain can beat down your Spirit and lead to Self Destructive Behavior. The behavior is not the problem, it is an expression of underlying pain!

We believe this is horrific and leaves those trapped only a few ways out: Hospitalization, Incarceration, Destitution, or Death. We are experts. We are not just victims or survivors of our own dysfunctions; we are SUCCESSES. Our program helped us and it can help you also. There are a lot of so called "programs" out there but they just do not work. We all know this fact.

Physical or Emotional Pain can lead to Self Destructive Behavior. The behavior is not the problem, it is an expression of underlying pain!


THE NEXT GOOD STEP aims to improve any life. We focus on the reason for behavior. We believe that understanding and working through ones issues allows you to not only overcome but master your pain.


How long has it taken for you to get to where you are now?

Just a Few Weeks Will Change Your Life. Commit now, try.

The Next Good Step is what all of us should be pursuing daily. Everyone has issues but if we do not take the time to work through them then they will find a way to be expressed. If your expression is destructive behavior, please, before you are overcome by it, join us for just a few meetings as we all grow, become, and take The Next Good Step together.



Detox * Find Your Spirit * Understand Yourself






Services and Classes:

Medication Management, Behavioral Modification, Individual Counseling, Family Counseling, Group Therapy, Education, and Spirituality.

Study Topics

You may chose to participate from the comfort of your own home.

What is Person

Personality Development – Child

Personality Development – Adult

Defense Mechanisms

Personality Types Psychosis

Personality Types Addictions

Personality Types Neurosis

Becoming Aware, Moral Integration

Finding Faith

Developing Trust

The Unitive Way

The Next Good Step

Healing the Shame That Binds You

Healthy Family Secrets

Dangerous Family Secrets

The Most Dangerous Family Secrets

Tools for Deciphering Family Secrets

Breaking Free From the Secrets

Staying Connected to the Family

The Legacy of Shame

From Recovery to Discovery

Relapse Prevention, Overtaken

12 Steps Workshop

(A workshop where participants work through each spiritual step in detail. We study every aspect of the 12 Steps to see what it really means.)

God, prove it to me

Normality and Adjustment

We live by the choices we make. “CHANGE”, begins with a promise to yourself to try

A change of life can only truly exist if underlying issues are identified. By addressing these issues, often for the first time, we understand their triggers and find our bridge to a real life.

We provide you the tools to understand and deal with your pain and spirituality. This approach gives you control over your destructive behavior instead of it controlling you. As you gain your self worth and come to understand “why” then your self destruction fades away on its own. It is not a self discipline issue. Instead, as you become, as you grow and understand yourself, the urges that drive your behavior to hurt yourself simply lessen and fade away because they are no longer an expression of who you are.

Our approach is so fundamental that all you need do is show up and you will “become”. We know our program works so please stop ignoring the problem, join us, and together we will watch you grow and become. It is simple and it works!

Also, we are one of the few programs that offer controlled detox for those with physical dependance and pain issues. Implants are also available for long term treatment as needed.

From the worst of times, to the best of times, we will stand by you.
Your job is to simply “want to change enough to just be there”.
We are the professionals and will do the rest for you.

From On-Line Web Based Program to full In-Patient Program.

We have all the resources to help your particular situation.

From Medi-Cal to private insurance - we never charge you.

Make The Choice To Change


For Appointments, simply contact us and we will do our best to schedule a mutually acceptable date and time. If you want to specifically see one of our health care providers please let us know when you are scheduling an appointment. Feel free to contact us with any comments you may have. We seek to always improve and count on your input.



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Detox * Find * Understand